How to stake on Privanetix node

Follow this guide if you don’t have a node but want to start staking.

Note: All numbers, time and addresses shown in the screenshots below are for demonstration purposes only and do not represent real data.
We currently recommend using the OKX wallet for the best experience.


Claim  tokens for the Arbitrum Testnet and DeepSea Beta
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Connect your wallet to claim test tokens


Stake on other Privanetix nodes
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1. Select the node you want to stake on from the "All Privanetix Nodes on DeepSea" list.

2. Go to the "Privanetix Node Details" page and click [Staking].

3. For your first staking, you need to authorize the amount you wish to stake. Please note that the authorized amount must be larger than or equal to the amount you plan to stake.

4. After completing the authorization, you can enter the amount to stake. The staked amount will enter a pre-staking pool and you will start earning rewards in the next phase.


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1. On the "My Staking" page, locate the "Privanetix Node" and go to the Details page.

Find your node under my stakes on other Privanetix nodes list

2. Go to the "Privanetix Node Details" page and click [Unstake].

3. Enter the amount you wish to unstake and confirm.
Note: Unstaking will prioritize unstaking the pre-staked amount.

4. Unstaking pre-staked tokens will be directly withdrawn to your wallet.

5. Unstaking tokens that are currently staked will enter a Pending status. After the current phase ends, they will be transferred to your claimable balance.
Tips: Successfully unstaked tokens will no longer generate rewards and can be claimed directly to your wallet.


View my rewards
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1. On the My Rewards page, you can view and claim your rewards.

2. Your node and staking rewards details

3. Claim my rewards
Claiming rewards will transfer all accumulated rewards at once. This requires initiating a transaction and paying a gas fee. Partial withdrawals are not allowed, and all rewards must be withdrawn in a single transaction.

Done! That's it! Still need help?

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